Preserving and Promoting The Legendary Ford Model "A"
Introduced in November of 1927 over 5 million were manufactured worldwide by the end of 1931.
Introduced in November of 1927 over 5 million were manufactured worldwide by the end of 1931.
The Oklahoma City Model “A” Restorers Group – OKCMARC, holds as it's aims the encouragement of members to acquire, restore, preserve, exhibit and make use of the Model “A” Ford and most importantly, to enjoy the fellowship of other Model “A” Ford owners in the area and around the world. Check our events page for meeting times and location.
We have aligned with both of the national major Model A Clubs. By doing so we wish to promote the hobby to all. Whether you wish to complete a full restoration, and have it judged nationally, or you just are trying to get your car on the road here you will find the support and partnerships you need. Check our event calendar or drop us an email and let's start talking about your Model A Ford!
Your membership in the Model A Restorers Club and the Model A Ford Club of America introduces you to people who share a common interest. The memberships of MARC and MAFCA have grown rapidly and have become international in scope. You will find members from all over the world. The local regions and chapters are the meeting place of many lasting friendships. One would be hard pressed to answer the question, “What do you enjoy most about your Model “A” Ford?” High on the list of answers would be, “The feeling of belonging and associating with others in a common undertaking, the restoration, preservation and enjoyment of the Model “A” Ford.”
Piedmont, Founders Parade
Redrock Canyon, Hinton Ok.
Czech Festival Parade
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